The materials inside the Swimming Pool Ionizer have been altered. They contain decomposed granite made up of 45 to 50 basic elements on the atomic chart.
Swimming Pool
The atoms of the pool units have been altered and are now in harmony, or resonance, with the life force energy of the Universe (or free energy). They function as "transceivers", receivers and transmitters, and the energy extends at least 20 feet in all directions from these units. This energy in turn effects the atomic structure of the water in the pool, reducing the amount of chemicals required to maintain the proper pH factor. The manufacturer guarantees at least 50% reduction, and most users claim about 70% reduction. The water obtains crystal clarity, stains slowly disappear, and the adverse affects of chemicals on eyes, skin and hair is eliminated.
How the Swimming Pool Ionizer Works
All water contains tiny particles of minerals (mostly calcium and magnesium). These particles are too fine to be trapped in the filter. Ionization induces a positive charge of energy upon each particle of mineral. The law of attraction brings these particles together into larger particles that become trapped in the filter. Occasionally in some pools the water becomes milky, white color (visible to the eye). Then suddenly, the pool water becomes crystal clean - like one large crystal of water - and will remain that way as long as pool maintenance is kept and the pH factor is in balance.
The water becomes soft and eliminates adverse effects of chemicals on eyes, skin, and hair. All users feel the difference and enjoy a healthful swim.
The Swimming Pool Ionizer
weights approximately 14 kilograms and helps to preserve pool surfaces and also release stains caused by minerals in the water,can function on top of or next to a pool filter outside of the pool and will continue to function indefinitely.